Mission: ROLLAGE
The enemy’s fast approaching. Behind enemy lines, battle-hardened tank sergeant T>I prepares to embark on his deadliest mission yet. Enlisting the help of mercenaries Soulculture & Release, they lay in ambush. awaiting orders. “Men, start ROLLIN WITH THE NINES.”
Meanwhile at Natty Dub HQ…
“Here’s your mission men, the enemies location has been targeted, lets leave a PERMANENT MARKER. Your objective is to eliminate all hostiles and overthrow this evil regime.”
“Holding the fort in your ABSENCE Sir.Good Luck Sergeant.”
After 7 days & nights of heavy gunfire, the tank and crew trudge the battlefield, slowly grinding to a halt, ears ringing, guns red hot, the troops prepare to “MOVE ON” and mount their final assault.
“Troops, DONT STOP now, the THRESH HOLD must be reached to defeat the enemy that stands before us!”
To Be Continued………