Trakker hits the ground running with another fully loaded clip of tough beats for the streets. If you’re making a direct comparison, this

double A side release from Wrong Turn is nothing but 100% war for the dancefloor.

‘Imitator’ does a fine job of taking drums to another dimension, combining Amen breaks with snappy kicks and sucker punching snare hits. What really sets this one apart from any previous release though is the well placed grinding bassline, a true testament to Trakker’s skills behind the buttons.

You know when it comes to Wrong Turn it’s all about the darkside flavours, right? Another one for the deep and dark crew ‘Odyssey’ is a combination of 80’s B movie atmospherics and wormhole style vibes. Once again bringing back that slightly wonky snare placement that does wonders for the swing, making you bury your eyes in the floor and shuffle off your trainers.

The new champion of darkside jungle? You heard it here first.